The time has come for me to start testing some ideas for my final project. During this term I plan to present three solo projects -I know it is a bit ambitious and I can not be sure that I will actually present all three of them. These three projects will give me the opportunity to experiment on my ideas and the way I can accomplish them and I consider each one of them a step closer to the final work.
I will briefly mention the aim of each one of those.
The first one: p001 will be a short performance dealing with the very close connection of human beings to technology/nano technology/robotics, presenting a creature not easily affected by time.
The second one: p002 will be a video installation presenting the human being in a natural environment that time matters and does affect each object in the space.
The third one: p003 will be a combination of those two, where the performer will have to interact with the video or the video interact with the performer and I will have to make my final decisions about what will happen-.
By these I will come a bit closer to find the connection between theatre and installation art as I strongly believe that the use of technology is very important and I will have the chance to experiment with the same questions that many people have already experimented before but still remain a rich field of interest as the technological inventions increase constantly.
-What choreography/performance emerges when software is your partner?
-When virtual and actual image space share the same physics?
-Where everything that moves on the stage is both interactive and independent?
-And any form, dancing or still, can be transformed into a kinetic projection surface?
*Klaus Obermaier for Apparition.