Friday 5 December 2008

Last weekend I visited Paris. Everything was Christmasy and really magical. But the most impressive of all was the windows at the big shopping centers. These are just some still photos from the windows who can't in anyway describe the reality. Each window had another theme and it's purpose could be either highlighting a cloth or just decorative. All these, up to now sound really regular. The irregular element of these is that every single one of those was mechanically supported so the model-dolls or the decorative dolls were all mechanically moving puppets who would walk, dance, run or whatever. Additionally each one of the windows was accompanied by music or sounds specifically selected for the theme that the window would represent.
Those windows, as they informed have an audience. People go there just to see as if they would go to an art gallery or a performance. Then they discuss and write critiques in the papers and the magazines and if something is considered to be inappropriate - for example- the audience can demand to be changed. These made me return to all these thoughts of mine about the connections between theatre and installation. Should we add marketing somewhere near those as well? What do they have in common and what not, because, after all the do use the same materials and the same means of communication. A simple window can be considered as a set and these windows now can be considered as installations maybe.Is the difference between those that they serve a different purpose, that they are just decorative, they try to promote a product by impressing their ''audience''? Yes maybe, but I think that lots of installations in galleries and lots of plays have exactly the same characteristics and the only aspect that might change is that the product is the artist. 
But anyway... they were just windows... Marry Christmas!

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