Wednesday 10 June 2009

Weekly meeting

                                             image by Lefteris Pr.

Today we had our weekly meeting. The main topic again was the videos. The visual team decided to start working with the program "e motion" that is going to allow us to have interaction between the performer, the video and the V.J.'s. Of course we are still testing everything and the outcome of it in a low budget production is still not secure enough...!
The final arrangements for the filming of the first video were also made. Up to the 23 of June, depending on the weather (it is an outdoors filming) and the license from the park we have to have it filmed so that the editing procedure will start. The performer for this one (unfortunately) is going to be me since the requirements are a bit strange and not many people are comfortable in doing that (I will have to be covered with liquid vaseline in a hole of a tree in a public park...). The feeling of the photography for it will be something not extremely clean and flat and not magical and mysterious. A film that indicates what we would like to achieve is Big Fish by Tim Burton. Because lighting during the filming is going to be difficult due to the luck of power around the specific tree, we will mainly work it during the editing using After Effects. The preferable cameras we decided to use is either a Sony Z1 or Sony PD150 DVCam, models that we might find easily and still are better than a simple mini DV. The picture I have uploaded can be another sample of the feeling and the texture of the image NOT the concept.

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