Friday 10 April 2009

About Dream Play

The Dream Play was the last group performance of the VLP's and happened yesterday, Wednesday the 8th of April at WCA. In general it was a very well set play, a piece of "conventional" theatre. The aspect I found really nice was the set and the use group 3 made of the space. They managed to transform it into what they had in mind and in the same time make it look like a really beautiful theatrical space with chairs for the audience. The line between the audience and the actors was really clear and from that and only I think they managed to set the communicational code.  As I heard from people from the audience about that, it made them feel the comfort and the security of been in a normal and "proper" theatrical space, ready to observe something without the fear of interaction.
The projections on the wall were very nice as well and I think that the context of the animation was very helpful to the understanding of the play but the animation itself (from a technical point of view) was not very clear because of the lights and that was a bit frustrating because I found myself wanting to observe it better.
The costumes of the characters worked good within the play but, because of the meetings we had in the beginning and because of what I was listening then about Agnes's costume, I really was not able to see that divine aspect I listened about. I found it very grounded and (ok, maybe because I am already familiar with the play and I already had an image of Agnes in my head) I found it was making her a creature from the earth, that has suffered the same as humanity and also that she was coming from the past. Of course I don't know the final decisions of the group about that matter but I only mention that because of the impression I had from their first presentations.
Ending, thinking of it as a hole, it was a visually simple and well constructed play.

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