Tuesday 28 October 2008

Dafni back to the theory

At first I would like to inform that my background is theoretical and when I decided to become a designer I thought that it would be much better if I leave theory behind me and start not thinking with my mind but with my senses. Dead end.

The last days I think a lot about the theory that lies behind my work. One of the reasons is that at some point I will have to explain where is the basis of my work, what are my believes and what I want to say to the audience and all these simply conflict the above.

The problem here is that up to now I felt that I can't focus in one thing, one theory, one social phenomenon etc. As a person I refuse to focus my mind in one matter only. Every day is another day and something happens that needs attention and critical approach. I deal with my work in the same way first of all because I believe in dealing with different aspects of our lives and secondly because as a designer for the theatre/performance I can not work by myself. Normally there is always a director somewhere who actually creates the performance and decides on what the performance wants to communicate to the audience. Each different director has another way of thinking and is approaching each matter through different aspects and theories and to me this is the ultimate challenge. Doing this, every time I have to start from nothing from the theoretical point of view. The only thing that remains the same for me is my aesthetics and the artistic language I use to express whatever the director wants to say (when I see this written it makes me feel like I am the most stupid person in the world).

But, I have an excuse. All these were my thoughts up to now, that I was actually working with directors that I was absolutely communicating with and we had similar points of view and obviously interests. What happens to a designer like me when a) is on his own or b)has to work with someone that disagrees with? Is this time to realize that I do base my work in some theory? That after all I am not that open in experimenting with everything? And if yes, witch theory has influenced me and where is the borderline of my interests? Up to now I was just lucky because I never had to think about these. Time to grow up.

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