Monday 9 March 2009

Coming up with a title for the group project

Calling our play just group project is boring. So we thought we have to come up with a title for that. Since the text we use is a mixture from more than one different texts we have to create our own title. These are some of my ideas along with their explanations!1. Transition
2. Transition point (a term from thermodynamics means transformation of an element from one phase to another ie water to vapor)
3. Lapse
4. Time-lapse not stop-motion (time lapse= a cinematography technique where the image appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing / stop motion = animation technique when you make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own)
5. Passing
6. Round trip
7. Round Trip (Time) (used for telecommunications as RTT = the elapsed time for transit of signal over a closed circuit, it is significant in systems that require two-way "interactive" communication such as voice telephony).

Now I am waiting from the other member of the group to com eup with possible titles so that we can conclude somewhere!

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